Everything You Need to Know About Instagram Monetization Requirements in 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Instagram Monetization Requirements in 2022

How does Instagram monetization work? What are the requirements for earning money on Instagram? If you’re thinking about signing up to monetize your Instagram account, you probably have these questions as well as plenty of others. Today we’ll answer them all and more in our guide on everything you need to know about Instagram monetization requirements in 2022. Let’s get started! (How to start)

Why should you care about the policy?

As Instagram  continues its quest for domination, it has rolled out various new features meant to help spur user engagement. The platform’s official ad policy is subject to change, but right now you can use it as a marketing tool—assuming you meet all of its requirements. Here’s what you need to know about Instagram monetization requirements 2022 before your business takes advantage of them. 

If you want to be successful on Instagram, you'll have to play by its rules. Although we aren't sure what they are yet, there are some things we do know and will likely impact future Instagram monetization requirements: 1) If your account already has many followers or if other advertisers or brands have already sponsored posts on behalf of your account (within a month), then they will be granted preferential treatment when making ad decisions at Instagram. 2) If other businesses that have similar audiences/followings advertise alongside yours (either within an hour or within 24 hours), Instagram may choose not to grant permission for your paid ads.

How will it affect influencers?

Being an influencer can be one of the most rewarding, fulfilling things you can do. Of course, being an influencer also comes with its own set of challenges and requires a significant amount of hard work. If you’re going to build a career as an influencer it’s imperative that you stay on top of what’s happening in your industry and so we thought we’d create a post about Instagram monetization requirements for 2022 to help make sure you stay up-to-date with everything that is happening and how it could affect your business. Enjoy! What are they?: Instagram monetization requirements are those rules which govern whether or not you are allowed to advertise certain products or services within your Instagram posts. In short, these rules determine whether or not you will receive money from companies if they advertise their products within your content. It is these rules which will change in January 2022 and therefore need to be addressed now if you want to remain compliant when that happens.

How much will you make from ads on your posts?

In April, Instagram announced a new push for more diverse ad options for business accounts. One of those is a new type of push-notification ads, which should lead to some interesting and user-friendly creative options. But one thing that’s still up in the air—at least until next year—is how much brands will pay for these ads. Chances are they won’t be able to post an outrageous price tag on their Instagram Story because it could drive users away. However, one possibility may be charging people by how many followers they have or what level of influence they have on their account (one way or another). Here's hoping we know more about Instagram monetization requirements by January 1st!


Why are you getting paid so little?

Instagram, like Facebook and most other social media companies, generates all of its revenue from advertising. So, when Instagram makes decisions about what sort of content it allows on its platform—including for whom brands can advertise—it's because it's trying to make money. A lot of people assume that Instagram is making a choice about what is and isn't good for society. The reality is, however, that Instagram (like every other tech company) wants to be profitable and selling ads is their way to get there. In an era where privacy breaches are a big deal and users have been questioning Facebook's advertising practices since 2016, you might think it would make sense for Instagram monetization requirements 2022 to be more stringent as they try to rebuild public trust.

What can you do about it?

Luckily, there’s plenty you can do to prepare for Instagram monetization requirements in 2022. First and foremost, begin thinking about how you might be able to sell your products or services on Instagram. For example, let’s say that you specialize in graphic design and make a living off of creating ads for other companies. Do some research into what kinds of ads on Instagram are most successful and create some mockups of your designs so that when it comes time to apply for an advertising account with Instagram, you have some examples ready at hand. The same applies if you plan on making a living off of selling products—study what makes certain posts or brands successful and consider how those aspects could be incorporated into your own brand! If nothing else, start following other businesses who successfully use Instagram as a platform for marketing. They’ll provide valuable insight into what works (and doesn’t work) and you may even find inspiration for new ideas. Either way, getting ahead of Instagram monetization requirements in 2022 is simple—just start planning now!

What's next?: We'll continue to update our website as more information regarding Instagram monetization requirements becomes available so stay tuned by checking back here often! Also be sure to subscribe to our newsletter below if you want instant updates sent directly to your inbox every month when we publish new content related to all things Instagram-related including: hashtags, accounts suspensions/bans, engagement hacks & more!


With an aim of creating real and engaging experiences for its users, Instagram has set forth clear guidelines for brands that wish to monetize their content. If you want your brand on Instagram, it’s crucial that you understand all there is to know about Instagram monetization requirements 2022. Here are some things you should know

Now that you know more about Instagram monetization requirements 2022, can we hope to see an influx of major advertisers onto Instagram? That remains to be seen, but one thing's for sure: don't make any hasty decisions before March 2nd. There may be a silver lining yet! If not - then that's ok too; don't rush into anything and read up on which social platform suits your brand best before making a final decision!
